Colour Coach

10 good reasons

The Color Coach is an expert in universal energies of which color is the main vehicle.
He/she knows how to read and apply them to help people improve the quality of their life.
The job of the coach is to guide their patients or clients and help them understan what they really want and how to satisfy their desires or ambitions. A Coach is a guide that helps people to regain confidence in themselves.

Become a professional Color Coach

Color is the future

Knowing the Language of Color means acquiring universal knowledge, usable in any sector of life. This opens up an infinite scenario of possibilities and job opportunities.
Everything on this Planet is Color, every living being is Color and the knowledge of how to use color opens any door.

A Color Coach is a guide to help you regain self-confidence to achieve what you want.
Our training courses to become Color Coach use the Language of Color, a universal language that is easily understandable for the entire human system.

We communicate through the Color Energy.
Color is made up of a wide range of notions, as it is not just one color, but seven different languages of color.
That’s the reason why Our students must learn seven possible ways to translate it, in order to understand who they really are and what they want.

Color consists of a wide range of knowledge, and our students, in addition to the compulsory basic color training, can then choose a field of specialization and internship.
For those who want to become Color Coach it is essential to have a minimum of compulsory training in order to participate in our studies.

Who is this course for?

Fot all the people who are interested in learning the language of Colour, all operators of wellness, cousellor, coach, pharmacists, naturopaths who want to integrate the language of color in their business.

How can I become a Colour Coach?

The first step to becoming Colour Coach is developed through our professional Master.
With this course you acquire the practical tools to understand Color and how you can exploit it in every area of your life: at the table, in the home, in clothing and personal image, at work, in personal relationships and even in affective life

Job opportunities

  • Individual Coaching
  • Business Coach
  • Wellness advisor
  • Wellness consultant
  • Image consultant
  • Color language consultant
  • Home and environments consultancy
  • Chromo-psicolgy consultant
  • Chromium consultant
  • Bioenergetics consultant
  • Colorimetric profiling
  • Colour designer

Become a Professional
Colour Coach

Students say


Read the testimonies of those who chose our school of color.