Why learn with us?

Colour is a quick learning system that uses the natural human predisposition in learning.

Out method is different because is a learning by doing” process, based on 15 colours.

The school aim is to make people conscious and aware of themselves, in order to  develop their potential.

Accredited school

International certification

More than 100 happy students

Iliana Manfredi

The School founder.

In over 30 years of activity, I have helped hundreds of people to develop their potential, freeing creativity at all levels, creating training courses and high-impact ewellness programs.


Mother, Entrepreneur, Creator, Founder of the Colour Energy School and Educator, since 30 years i am in the researching field about the development of human potential, in collaboration with the University Research Cluster Egocreanet – Bioquantica.

Journalist, writer,Professional Color Coach, Color Consultant for personal Image and environment , Color Therapist,I deal with training, coaching and development about wellness protocols for Beauty Centers, Wellness Centers and SPAs through the use of Color Energy and Sounds.

SIMP collaborator, ENPACO POP20ER-T and ENPACO member.

My path

Iliana - my name means "the one who colors your life"

I was born in Bologna (Italy), and my classmates remind me intelligent, very sensitive, deep eyes, who loved to live in touch with nature, climbing trees. My astrological sign is Scorpio with ascendant Libra.
My energy profile: the Violet/Red are my predominant energies. Rave-Chart profile: Projector

My studies

Psychology, psychosomatics, color language My Energy method with Inger Naess, (Color Energy Education System Northern Europe)

  • Color Therapy and Chromotherapy Course – Amy University Italy
  • Color Mamagement Colour Energy International School Systems (Canada)

Training in emotional massages M.E.M. (memory, emotion, movement) and energy techniques.
Training on Meridians, Chakras, Aura, Physiology, Bioenergetics, Chromo-massage, Aromatherapy, Subtle energies, Human anatomy, Human energy system, Aesthetic

The world of science, energy and development of human potential have fascinated me since I was very young and I have always read scientific books and magazines, but my official studies on these subjects began in 1980, parallel to basic and working studies. I have done hundreds of training courses, traveling in the world that is my great passion, here under I summarized the most significant training courses. Paths of evolutionary knowledge: Meditation, Yoga, Biodanza, Theta Healing, Shamanic Earth Lodge paths, paths of Tantra Kashmiro and Maithuna, Metamedicina (Claudia Rainville), Ho’oponopono energetic healing technique, Meditation, facilitator of Psycho-genealogy and Approaching Family Constellations Imaginal (with Selene Calloni Williams), DMC (deactivation of body memories) with Calderon Zambrana Clinical Psychology Center Spain, and dozens of other courses in evolutionary techniques. Seminars with Greg Bradden and Bruce Lipton. Education in: Mind Chess, Human Design, Communication, Physiognomy, Fast Memory, University of Health (Terme Felsinee of Bologna). K.R.E.A. Academy – Avatar Entheos, Immaginal Academy. I attended the Holistic Academy of Psychosomatics with Nitamo Montecucco, Diksha at Oneness University in India, the School of Quantum Consciousness with Paolo Scarpari evolutionary growth paths and Prosperity models of innovative economics.

Diploma and specialized studies in international business and public administration, three-year course for international trading, including the study of languages (English and French), Business Advisor. Marketing courses in Profingest Business School, web comunication, computer science and programming, SAP ERP International management systems. Solving Efeso Consulting business management courses of PKE Project Kaizen Engineering. The Millionaire Mind” and “Guerrilla Marketing and Business Intensive” with Harv Eker, Alex Mandossian, Joel Robert. Collaborator of SIMP (Italian society of psychosomatic medicine). Business Intellingente Academy and Coach Strategies Training with Roberto Cerè – accredited by Siaf as holistic professional trainer – code ER701T-OP e UNI-PRO PO16B0158ER – ENPACO POP20ER-T according to law 4/2013. Member of the ENPACO Board of Directors (National Body of Associate Professions Counselor, Holistic Operators, Art Therapists).

Working for the world

Diploma and specialized studies in international business and public administration, three-year course for international trading, including the study of languages (English and French), Business Advisor. Marketing courses in Profingest Business School, web comunication, computer science and programming, SAP ERP International management systems. Solving Efeso Consulting business management courses of PKE Project Kaizen Engineering. The Millionaire Mind” and “Guerrilla Marketing and Business Intensive” with Harv Eker, Alex Mandossian, Joel Robert. Collaborator of SIMP (Italian society of psychosomatic medicine). Business Intellingente Academy and Coach Strategies Training with Roberto Cerè – accredited by Siaf as holistic professional trainer – code ER701T-OP e UNI-PRO PO16B0158ER – ENPACO POP20ER-T according to law 4/2013. Member of the ENPACO Board of Directors (National Body of Associate Professions Counselor, Holistic Operators, Art Therapists).

The world of science, energy and development of human potential have fascinated me since I was very young and I have always read scientific books and magazines, but my official studies on these subjects began in 1980, parallel to basic and working studies. I have done hundreds of training courses, traveling in the world that is my great passion, here under I summarized the most significant training courses. Paths of evolutionary knowledge: Meditation, Yoga, Biodanza, Theta Healing, Shamanic Earth Lodge paths, paths of Tantra Kashmiro and Maithuna, Metamedicina (Claudia Rainville), Ho’oponopono energetic healing technique, Meditation, facilitator of Psycho-genealogy and Approaching Family Constellations Imaginal (with Selene Calloni Williams), DMC (deactivation of body memories) with Calderon Zambrana Clinical Psychology Center Spain, and dozens of other courses in evolutionary techniques. Seminars with Greg Bradden and Bruce Lipton. Education in: Mind Chess, Human Design, Communication, Physiognomy, Fast Memory, University of Health (Terme Felsinee of Bologna). K.R.E.A. Academy – Avatar Entheos, Immaginal Academy. I attended the Holistic Academy of Psychosomatics with Nitamo Montecucco, Diksha at Oneness University in India, the School of Quantum Consciousness with Paolo Scarpari evolutionary growth paths and Prosperity models of innovative economics.

Holistic entrepreneurial activity
Beauty & Wellness area

  • Consultant Manager for 5 years for development of the Colour Energy Corporation project in Italy.
  • Opening of the company Ailight® srl and Ailight® Colori e Suoni Association of which I am administrator and president.
  • Organization of over a hundred seminars as a meditation Trainer and evolutionary paths with Colour Energy
  • Individual coaching for the development of human potential on over 600 people
  • Chromotherapist – activity carried out as a holistic operator at Ailight Holistic Center
  • Founder and creator of Color Energy School – First in Italy with specialization in Color Language, Colour Therapy and Wellness integrated methods for the Beauty and Wellness sector.
  • Creator of the Color Beauty & Wellness Method.
  • Director and Professor of the Biennial course to become Color Coach and Holistic Worker with a chrome-bioenergetic address The training is structured in 16 thematic courses with 924 hours of theoretical / practical training. The training is recognized according to law 4/2013 by the UNI-PRO and ENPACO trade associations.
  • Researcher activity – in a process of continuous improvement I deal with the activity of study and research, as well as with the preparation and revision of course texts. The School has more of 20 training manuals.
  • Research activity for the formulation of vibrational products, with the Ailight® brand
    Marketing research project and journalistic collaboration with Turismedia (www.turismedia.it) for the Wellness and Tourism sector. I currently work for the SPA8 Marketing Project on the MIND area (formerly the Expo area in Milan)



Admitted to journalists CIST – FIJEYT cod. ID 596 – World Federation of Journalists and Travel Writers, for Turismedia as an expert of multisensory wellbeing (www.turismedia.it)


Re Nudo – Vivi Consapevole – Starbene journal – Book “Corpo e Mente la Chiave del Benessere” (2012, April) In collaboration with Venetian SIMP (Italian Society of Psychosomatic Medicine).



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